31 May 2005

I have an idear (look out world!)

Alright, I'm sure there a people out there who read this but don't comment or anything, either b/c they're scared or just don't give a shaz. Or maybe I'm just being arrogant. Whatever, that's not really what I was trying to get at here. I have enabled people to comment as "Anonymous", and I actually like it when people take advantage of that. It lets me see the true thoughts of someone, even though I don't know who they are. I dig that. So if anyone reads this thing and a thought gets triggered, post it here in the comments section. I don't care if you're "Anonymous" or if you broadcast your name to the world. Just no phone numbers (right Pitt? lol). Seriously, use my space to rant and/or rave and/or write idears down and/or write a poem or story and/or whatever. I don't care. Well, I do care, just, well... gah, nevermind.

Also, if anyone can help me with the whole posting pictures dealy-o? Right now I have to post them on my MSN space PhotoAlbum if I want to share. Which I do. But I'd rather share them here. So for now, I'll just post a link to the MSN junk somewhere over there ---->.


Jagstar said...

I usually rant a lot, but i've been quite busy these past weeks...i'll be sure and use your space Ryan when the ranting bug bites me...and i won't hide either.

I thought i'd see a photo of YOU..not batman...tsk tsk...quite disapointing!

RyeGuy said...


not yet...

Jagstar said...

Playing the mystery card are you? Alrighty..

RyeGuy said...

hahaha... I've never had that said about me before.

Anonymous said...

why would you want anonymous comments?