29 May 2005


so I'm out with some friends last nite, just hanging out and what-not, no big deal. Go back to one friend's apartment to wind down. She's having problems with her computer, and a guy from back home is helping her via RemoteAssistance, but still having some problems b/c she really knows nothing about computers. So I offer my assistance, knowing that b/w the two of us (me and the other guy), we can get this licked. Everything smooths out (especially once I show her how to turn off the NumLock function, it's a laptop). We get the program running to bust the viruses on her compy, then I bug off in a hurry, cuz I was about to miss the train and I didn't wanna spend the night. I catch the train after an interesting conversation with a con-man in the station (note: don't try to con an ex-con man). Get to the university, rush to catch my bus. The time is about 1:08 am (I know, cuz I checked). Last bus is s'posed to leave at 1:09 am. It doesn't show. Damn. So I hoof it the last 3.5 miles to my apartment. It's a little chilly with the wind, so I pick up some hot chocolate and cookies from Timmy Ho's. The walk was great, except, for some reason, some idiot was watering his lawn. IT'S 2 IN THE FRIGGIN MORNING!! Who waters their lawn at 2 am? I could see if it was an automatic sprinkler, but nooo, he's out there himself playing with the hose and junk. And I walk right through it. Got soaked. Not pleasant. Good thing it was only another block or so home. But man, that pissed me off. Hope everyone else had a better Saturday.


Anonymous said...

nope. unfortunately, saturday for me consisted of me cancelling for a friend's party 'cos i had things on my mind so i took the go from milton to union station in toronto to hop on the subway to my bf's place... only have him tell me that it wasn't working out and that we should take some time apart. then have him drive me home after i told him i didn't want to go home... so, looks like saturday sucked for both of us.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

looks like "anonymous" is too much of a coward to let us know who's laughing at our misfortune (or maybe just laughing at mine... or yours...) whatever. thanks.

RyeGuy said...

aww, don't worry about the anonymous comments.

check out Part II (1 April) for my view on the past. Yeah, it's in the archives, but just click April 2005 and scroll to the 2nd from the bottom.

Anonymous said...

thank you.