10 May 2005


I feel the anger taking over my heart
So I move, set myself apart.
I start to see red as my soul is getting mugged
So I return to you, to stand inside your love.

As I stand here oh Lord
Let your words ring true
Help me to forgive them
For they know not what they do
I stand in your love, oh God,
Please make me shine
Make me a man apart
One of your own kind...

I'm driven towards anger, Lord,
Being led to sin.
Show me how to release this darkness
and reveal the light within.

To forgive, but not forget, and
To look back with wisdom,
To show justice and mercy
and to further your kingdom.
When I retreat into you
I'm shown this to learn.
Then I go and battle again,
only to return.

I give you my heart, and all that's inside.
I give you it all, I want nothing to hide.

[from you]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow that was really good I like the visual that it gives me. Well done