18 May 2005

Diary of a Double Agent

Caught up in a web of intrigue
close encounters and narrow escapes
the life of a double agent

sent to Hell on a mission from Heaven
just to keep an eye on things, they said
But doesn't He know all? I thought
but it doesn't pay to question the Head.

Mandated but free
one Objective to achieve
but how is up to me

Why choose me? I asked
Because you know more Truth
than any mortal should

You've studied the texts, the grimoires, the codices
You've seen the tools and artifacts
You know what they're for and how to use them
Yet you remained faithful to our cause

We cannot protect you there
You will surely be found out
Rely only on your own faith and strengths
You'll be tempted to defect, without doubt,
far more than ever before.

He will find you.
He will know you as his enemy.
He will take steps
to draw you to his side.

As his servant.
His most powerful servant.

He'll say.

I only studied so
to know my enemy
and war effectively
I thought I should know.

If I can bring them into this world
I could take them out of this world.

But now I'm here
in the Devil's lair
Sending the word...


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