14 April 2005

this just in...(6 April)

I found this in my notes that I'm studying... don't remember writing it, but it's my writing, so I guess I did.

Plunge the sword into your neck
You are the cause of my nervous wreck
Don't hesitate, quickly in and out
let's get it done, release my doubt
Bucking the system just gets you more pills
Most are born to do nothing; I was born to kill.


I must have been having a bad day that day, cuz that's some pretty dark shaz. Anyway, onto a rant..... "No one wants to take responsibility for their actions. It's not the parents' fault the kids are outta control; they're "chemically imbalanced". If they go into a prolonged pity-party, they need lithium or Prozac or some other sh*t. There are so many chemicals to make us normal you become a freak if you aren't being medicated for SOMETHING. A world called catastrophe? not quite... more like a world called Viagra with a Ritalin moon, revolving around a Prozac sun. The world can't become catastrophe, because it's either too high, too low or too horny. Pills to get you high, but if you get too high, they give you pills to take you down. Pilss if you can't get it up and pills that make you limper that a paralytic's leg. Who needs to eat healthy to get the necessary fuel for your body anymore? Pop some caffiene pills (or drink some Bawls) and zoom away. If you miss a meal, no worries; that's what multi-vitamins are for. Take one (or two as recommended by your health specialist) and you're fine. I don't drink, don't smoke, don't take drugs (of any kind, if I can help it), I live a clean life, but I get blasted cuz I eat meat. F***'N HYPOCRITES!! Man that torches me. I swear, if one more pushy, hemp-wearing, dreadlocked girl blasts me for eating meat, I will shove an A&W grampa burger down their throat. Or a Wendy's Grand Slam. Whatever's closest. Cuz that's what they're doing to me, shoving their "Holier-than-thou, cuz I'm a vegan" crap down MY throat. I don't have a problem with vegans in particular; its just certain ones who need to SHUT THE EFF UP AND GET OUTTA MY FACE that I have a problem with. I don't force you to do anything; stop trying to force me. Please.

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