16 April 2005


My first run in with the tempermental side of Blogger. I had a good post going on about Transformers, and GI Joe, and Pinky and the Brain, and Freakazoid, but now you're just gonna have to use your imaginations. Actually, I'd be rather interested in hearing the stories you folks create with those characters. post the plot lines in the comments, or email the whole thang to junke_d@yahoo.com, and if I like it, I'll post it. If not, wallow in burning shame (just kidding, I'm not really expecting anything to come of this.)


RyeGuy said...

That would be awesome, Ali. Hmm... they could each take over 1/2 the world, then fight for the other one's 1/2... that could be epic.

Anonymous said...

YOu guys are all forgeting about the best cartoon to ever come along. ASTRO BOY!!!

epicdichotomy said...

Astro Boy has it's moments, but don't for get about M.A.S.K. or HeMan. And Deadpool was right on when he mentioned Transformers. Unicron? Lame. And Beastwars/Beasties wasn't much better but Transformers Armada is decent.
But let's not forget Ren and Stimpy (or the disney version Shnookums and Meat).
For some newer animation treats i recommend Clone High and Invader Zim (and American Dad if it evers airs again).
BTW; new Family Guy episodes on fox in may- YIPPEE.