14 April 2005

Making the Jump

I'm in the process of moving my stuff from MSN Spaces over here to Blogger. Hopefully Blogger cooperates. I hear it's got a history of being tempermental.

Edit Note --> I've finished moving all my stuff. Turns out at least one person will miss my seeing my writings in the Spaces. That made me feel all warm and fuzzy. Thanks, Kovac.


Anonymous said...

Hey you,
Thanks so much for your support. you certainly can add me to your links! It's very flattering.

I intend to come visit your site frequently. Can i ask why you left msn spaces?

Thanks for your sharing.


Rody said...

Ryan, you're naturally fuzzy, never forget that. I don't know how you could feel any more fuzzy, it's somewhat perplexing.

Peace Out!

RyeGuy said...

Thanks for bringing that up, Rodster. Consider yourself linked, Ali.

RyeGuy said...

I left because I now have the time to maintain one of these blogger-type blogs. I couldn't before, what with school assignments and reading coming outta the wazoo, so I just quickly set up shop in Spaces as a temporary solution, fully intending to make the move when classes were finished. And now that they are, I did.