15 April 2005

Random Thought

Don't know why this came into my brain, but I did, and now I wish to see people's reactions to this statement.

"Time does not pass; it is a static entity. It is mankind that passes. We are constantly in motion, moving through time on our own."

That makes me wonder, if it's true, does that mean we could one day see the end of time before it happens? Or look back to the beginning of time?

Drum question: Name the band(s) this drummer has been/is currently associated with:

Brad Wilk

Paul Wilcox

Lori Peters

Answers to follow, maybe tomorrow, maybe tonight, maybe never. We'll see.


Anonymous said...

what about the concept that time doesnt exsist, at least not in clock time, clock time isnt alive, it wasnt born, it doesnt die, so maybe its non exsistant...hummm,time may not move because it doesnt exsist yet, things do progress, a progression of,even rocks progress through a cycle of....our minds have not yet been able to concieve a reality beyond mortal exsistance, were we believe that there is a begining and an ending, this may not be,things just as they are, because they just are.....

RyeGuy said...

YAY! I got my 1st Anonymous! That must mean I've hit the big time, right? *crickets chirping* RIGHT??!? *more crickets* garn....