20 April 2005

I am no one's lackey

Some yutz called me a minion. That does not sit well with me.

Main Entry: min·ion
Pronunciation: 'min-y&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French mignon darling
1 : a servile dependent, follower, or underling
2 : one highly favored : IDOL
3 : a subordinate or petty official

I really, really hate it when someone calls me a minion. I am no one's underling. I will not take orders from someone if I don't want to. The moment I decide that I have had enough of a particular "superior", I leave their service (and sometimes take them down a peg or six). Seriously, if you want to piss me off, call me someone's bi*ch. Then run.

I fight no one's battles except my own. If it so happens that we are on the same side, bully for you. I will fight alongside you as long as you remain worthy of it. But I will not hesitate to drop you in your tracks if you do something to deserve it. Just because we fight together in one battle does not mean we fight together for the whole war. I am on the side that I perceive as correct according to my morals, beliefs and all-around being. I realize that I will lose many battles, and I accept that.

What's my point? Basically, I'm nobody's pawn. And if someone tries to treat me as such, it's to their peril. I don't get pissed off very easily (ask anyone who knows me), but that is one of very few ways to get me mad fast. Other than that, I'm a nice guy.


Jagstar said...

Falling forever among wheeling stars transfixed upon a canvas of universes....i say to thee..

What the f*ck dude???


Ok thanks for the fair warning!

H said...

***Note to self. Do not refer to Ryan as a peon***

Got it. :P

RyeGuy said...

lol... don't worry folks. I only have 2 or 3 short fuses that are connected directly to my powderkeg of Viking berserker rage. I really have a ton of patience otherwise. It usually takes a LOT to get me really riled up. It's just in this case, that gweebus found one of my buttons, and mashed it with both hands. So really, as long as no one calls me their bi*ch, hurts or insults my family, or hurts my friends, I'm just a laid-back prairie boy with a good dose of San Diego surfer attitude and a Mexican sense of urgency.

Jagstar said...

Speaking of Prairie..have you heard that song called Saskatchewan, by 'Les 3 Accords' ?

This is a local montreal band, and apparently the song has even reached les prairies...

It's a humourous song...with a touch of sarcasm! Simply Excellent!

Dogman said...

That was a good ranting! Part of me wants to be sarcastic, part of me just wants to agree with you. The agree part wins. That would piss me off too.

RyeGuy said...

I'm listening to that song right now, Jagstar. My french is a little rusty (okay, really rusty- it's been 5 years since I've used it), but I think I get the gist. I love the way they pronounce "Saskatchewan". Good tune, even though I only understood 1/3 of it ;D

RyeGuy said...

My hometown is in Saskatchewan, dude. Well, okay, it's in Alberta too, but I hail from the Sask side. I grew up with the best of both provinces; no PST (thx Alberta), Sask car insurance (roughly 1/3 of Alberta's), being the only one of my friends to cheer for the Riders when they played the Eskimos, working when it's -45 degress + windchill... good times, free grog.

H said...

Ahh, a Lloyd man. That place kills me.I like jumping back and forth over the border line. (I guess its all those strange orange towers now)

RyeGuy said...

nope, the border line is still there. But I wouldn't jump over it, you're liable to get smacked by a car.