29 May 2006

The Stats:

Whyte Avenue by numbers for Saturday night:

25,000 - 30,000: fans on Whyte Avenue

1,500: dollars to replace one average commercial window

15: people arrested

9: fires set with garbage, pallets, etc.

5: people (at least) crowding onto an awning above Chapters

3: large-pane windows smashed at Chapters

2: phone booths uprooted and destroyed

2: lights ripped apart atop a 30-foot tall light standard

2: people jumping from rooftops onto boulevard trees

1: storefront window obliterated at Burlington Tobacconist

1: side window smashed at Chicken Scratch

1: man who urinated in crowd

1: man who fell from a guy wire

1: woman who broke her ankle

1: person charged with a Criminal Code offence



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