18 May 2006

I took this from my buddy Dave's blog...


Brandon walks down into the basement to take his newly bought Super Sex Suck Vac 3000 to his room. He is quickly stopped in place with the realisation that there is a 15 foot tall demon hunched over the couch watching t.v.
Brandon: Dave....Dave...DAVE!!!!!!

Dave: What?

Dave and Bob come down stairs and Kevchu opens his door and all are now standing in the basement staring at the demon.

Brandon: What is a demon doing in the house

Dave: There's no rule against it

Brandon: Dave, you did this?

Dave: No, just sayin'...

Brandon: So when did it get here? Kevchu, didn't you notice it when you came in?

Kevchu: I was a .....you know distracted.....

-A women stumbles wobbly legged out of kevchu's room, hits her head against the wall and goes unconcious. Everyone looks, then back to the demon.-

Dave: Let's ask the demon.....why you here?

Demon: I am Lord Jeffcoltus, son of Petrificus, and you summoned me.

Dave: I summoned you?

Demon: Well, not you in particular.

Dave: So the world summoned you?

Demon: No, you four.

Dave: I blame Bob.

Bob: Nope.

Demon: There is no way you could have summoned by accident. It would take 3 very incredible acts to summon me.

Dave: What are they?

Demon: Firstly you must steal success from an entire town

-All four look at the Success roadsign in the corner.-

Demon: Then three grown men and an ape must be brought to Climax at the same time.

Bob: Ahhhhh, that roadtrip to pick up Jeff in Climax, SK.

Demon: Thirdly, someone must be intimate with a goat.

-Looks of confusion, then everyone turns towards Kevchu, as a goat walks out of his room.-

Kevchu: It was her idea....I swear!

Bob: Demon, can you make spaghetti?

Demon: No.

Bob: Well, what good are you?

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