23 May 2006

Long Weekend

So I went camping this past weekend with a bunch of friends. We went to Kootenay Plains, by the Columbia Icefields. Pretty sweet place. Left Saturday morning, because Friday night I went to a soccer match at Commonwealth Stadium. Canada vs. Brazil. Canada won, 2-1. That was a sweet game.

Anyways, so we got to the site at about 2 or 3 ish, unpacked and set off to have some fun. Which we did, in copious amounts. Sunday consisted of hiking up to Siffleur (Stiffler) Falls and setting up a zip line across the gorge. Those who went across said it was pretty decent. I didn't go (I have issues with heights), but I played in bush (no dirty thoughts now...) and had a blast. We lost one the girls somewhere on the mountain, so three of us set off to find her. Turns out she was hiding in a crack in the rock, and just wanted some time alone. So we left her there, and went back to camp. I sunburnt my head that day.

We got back to camp, cooked(?) up some food(?), rested up a bit, then I went with a couple other dudes, climbed up the cliff behind our site and hiked to a frozen waterfall, about a mile (+/-) west of camp. We passed through a field with a bunch of Sundance lodges. Everytime I do something like that, I always get one of two feelings: I'm not supposed to be there; or something wants to communicate with me. The feeling I got on Sunday was the latter, so I lagged behind and tried to open myself up to whatever energies were there, but nothing came. So then I had to run to catch up to the other guys. We then had to climb 1/2 way up the mountain to get to the waterfall, and Holy Moses was it ever steep. Turns out the North (right) fork in the path was the easy way. We went South (left), and had a doozy of time getting to the fall. But we got there, and I decided I wanted to climb up to the top. So I did. That got pretty hairy at a few points, but I got as high as I could, and wow... the view was.... yeah... I kinda wish I had a camera, but I'm also kinda happy I didn't, because I have that memory all to myself.

Monday was a pretty lazy day. We played some soccer, some Ultimate Frisbee...that was pretty much it. Left at noon-ish, cuz one of the girls had to work @ 4:30... yeah, we didn't make it. I blame the checkstop that nailed us, that and the endless convoys of people and their friggin' houses on wheels. I was getting extremely frustrated with them. "Hey guys, lets all do 90 during the double-stripes, then bump it up to 120 through the passing lanes!" MF! (Major Frustration... I'm trying to cut down on my cussin'. I'm a teacher now...) But yeah, she was only 15 minutes late (+/-), so it wasn't too bad. Then I realized I had homework due today... so I got up early to do it, cuz we watched Jarhead and Tristan and Isolde last night. I wasn't sure I would like Jarhead, but it was a lot better than I thought. Tristan and Isolde could've used more hacky-slashy and less wuvvy-duvvy. James Franco really wrecks some people in that flick; Boris the Blade shoulda had Spiderman on his side.

For some reason, whenever I go camping, I'm up at first light (which is actually before sunrise), and yet I always feel refreshed, even though I sleep 1/2 as much. Weird. Anyways, it was a good weekend. Only 2 more days of class, then a final to write, then it's time to find a real job. (shudder). Game 3 tonight, Whyte Ave's gonna be ca-RAZY. I think I'll stay in this time. So close to the end, don't wanna get shived now.

I'm out!

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