21 July 2005

New Post!!

The wedding was okay.... major lack of planning though. PLUS, I got suckered into helping set the whole she-bang up. [screw the corrections from now on... that story to come] Good luck to Mike and Leanna though, even though they'll likely never read this. WHo cares? Not me, too much to do in not enough time. I have picturese of his stag, but they suck, cuz I'm not a photogroahper. Rest assured, it was fun. Almos t got my head pulled off by my brother. I"m now 6'5. I don't think I'm gonna wrestle with him any mmore.

Been working hard witha landscaping crew here in Lloydminster. Learning all sortsa new junk.... like hwo to run stuff over witha skid-steer, how to use a chainsaw properly (keep your hands away from the moving chain, it hurts). Acutally, what happeneed was the saw gave a little kickback just as I finished cutting some shrubs, and jumped up and bit my left wrist. My hand is still kinda numb from the freezing and stiches and stuff, sot that's why my grammar sucks right now. Good thing we're working by the hospital.

Update to come within the month


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