28 July 2005

Come on gimme stitches, it's now or never

the stitches in my wrist came out today. I almost hoarfed. First time I've ever had stitches [that I can remember]. don't think I'll do that again, it's not that fun. well, okay, the sympathy and grossness was kinda cool, but overall, not so hot an experience. I'm kinda bummed out right now, cuz it's raining, which means no work, and there's nothing to do around the house. Most of my friends work inside, so they're all working, or they're working out at camp, where I'm not allowed to be if I'm not a staff member or camper. I'm getting restless and twitchy. I need action, something to DO so I can vent a little. I'm not allowed to drum or play guitar for the next coupla days, cuz the doc says the wrist motions could re-open the wound. Can't practise kata for the same reasons. This is stupid...

10 blogshares to the first person to tell me where the title of this entry came from. Actually, it's not that hard, so I'll only give 5 shares.