24 June 2005

Newman's dead; Jerry's banging the maid; Elaine's a grammy; Kramer's lost downtown.

so the previous 4 posts were originally supposed to be one reaaalllyy long one, but then I though about it, and realized that people can only take small doses of reality at a time, so I busted it up some. And on retrospect, I shoulda broken it down even more, and left more time between posts. oh well, hindsight's always 20/20. in other news...

I moved back to Lloyd for the remainder of my summer "vacation" because I didn't get any of the jobs I applied for up in E-town. Oh well. I came back, unpacked, and went to work. It's amazingly refreshing to be doing grunt work for 12 hours a day after spending the last 10 months sitting at a desk writing papers and junk. I think that after I graduate and start teaching full-time, I'll spend at least 1/2 my summers doing this sort of work. It's great stress relief, landscaping is.

There's been a rumor of a Blogstock '05.5, possibly in Edmonton or Vancouver or some other Western city... just to put my 2 bits into the mix, I vote for Edmonton. I'll even volunteer my couch to the first lucky respondant after E-town's the confirmed venue for the shindig. Skill testing question may apply....

In other news, I'm helping train one of my best friends for some major university cross-country running race. If anyone has some tips or pointers they'd like to share, use the comment box.

1 comment:

RyeGuy said...

hmmm..... I honestly don't know... I'll check it out.