08 February 2007


-->With freedom comes responsibility; with rights come responsibilities; with experience come responsibility (anyone else see a pattern here?)

-->Success is mere perspective

-->"I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom." - Bob Dylan

-->Failure is based on conjecture

-->With independence comes responsibility. With citizenship comes responsibility. With power comes responsibility (how about now?)

--> Happiness can be purchased

--> Responsibility is an extension of a very old concept - honour. Back in the day, it was your responsibility to uphold your honour, your family's honour, your woman's honour... These days we remember the responsibility part, but it seems we've left the honour part (the most important part) in the dust of ages past

-->Contentment comes from within

--> With action comes responsibility. With delegation comes responsibility. With emotion comes responsibility. With marriage, with birth, with position...[ad inf.] comes responsibility (see it yet?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice post Rye.