07 September 2005

just a li'l bit?

hahaha.... update time...

I'm back in Edmonton. Been here almost a week already. Volunteered to "Orientate" the fresh meat at the university.... I gotta say, it was an absolute blast! I wish I wasn't graduating this year, so I can do it again next year... ha! Naw, seriously, it was fun. But I'm even more stoked (stoked-er?) to be FINISHED!!! By this time next year, there's a good chance I'll be in charge of teaching high school kids how to read and write and why Hitler was bad. Sweet, eh? and now, in honour of the occasion, a spontaneous poem....

back to grind
fresh, rested
and re-energized
the clock is ticking,
tocking, running down
to the end of my time
Melancholy, yeah, but
bittersweet too.
Happy to leave,
with a sad farewell,
I'll offer fond greeting
to the door to my future
and boldy step on through.


RyeGuy said...

2 PS's....

I saw you jeanine!!! in your SO FRESH green shirt!!

pitt, can you guess the ref's in the post? not really 1%ers, but not blatant either...

RyeGuy said...

uh, no...

"li'l bit?"--> SNL: Jimmy Fallon as Robert DeNiro, and then the REAL Bobby D. comes in and gives him hell.

Jeanine said...

MUGS!! Sooooooooo FRESH!!!

Ahaha, Orientation rocked my socks. I'm sad that you're not gonna be back again next year. But I will carry on in your memory. YARR!!!