28 September 2007

A dream

I was in a small town in Italy, walking down the street with a good friend of mine, we were just talking about random things, looking at the houses as we passed... Out of nowhere I looked at her and said "Hey, wanna go on a date some time?" She looked at me, a ghost of a smile on her lips, and a look in her eyes that can't be described. "I had to say it, get it off my chest, so maybe I could get a bit of sleep one of these nights." As we kept walking, she took my hand in hers and led me to a small house where we could hear some old music playing; we went inside and just started dancing (a Foxtrot, of all dances). Time stood still in that moment, amd it seemed as if everything were dancing to the rhythm of a Foxtrot - the music, Us, the villagers outside... it was beautiful.

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I don't have beautiful dreams that often (or I don't remember them). I'm very happy I had this one.

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