28 September 2007

A dream

I was in a small town in Italy, walking down the street with a good friend of mine, we were just talking about random things, looking at the houses as we passed... Out of nowhere I looked at her and said "Hey, wanna go on a date some time?" She looked at me, a ghost of a smile on her lips, and a look in her eyes that can't be described. "I had to say it, get it off my chest, so maybe I could get a bit of sleep one of these nights." As we kept walking, she took my hand in hers and led me to a small house where we could hear some old music playing; we went inside and just started dancing (a Foxtrot, of all dances). Time stood still in that moment, amd it seemed as if everything were dancing to the rhythm of a Foxtrot - the music, Us, the villagers outside... it was beautiful.

*** *** *** *** ***

I don't have beautiful dreams that often (or I don't remember them). I'm very happy I had this one.

25 September 2007


I'm falling into that pit of despair
and the only way I know how to deal with it
is to write
But I keep stalling
finding ways to procrastinate
maybe they'll come back in time
and I can put my mask back on
and fake my way through
without ever dealing with you
my demon

12 September 2007


the new wave of death rises and fall with a pointless devotion to an endless vagarity

brother versus brother versus the Father's will plays on the news while the spaghetti boils

keepers of secrets are just those who lack the fortitude to accept consequence

the air is foul with the stench of complacency

this is the name for our newfound insanity

the link between the past and the future is being take for granted

silence abandons all hope

the life of a revolution is too dependent on the lives of the people involved

turn a cheek, get another slap

this path is not hard to follow -
how hard can it be to wrap your head around Straight?
how hard is it to understand Narrow?

cease your existence - LIVE

truth hits like a shotgun blast to the face, flaying the layers of lies and masks to reveal the pulsing and ugly structure underneath

the words "I don't know" should infuriate you by now; so why am I not hearing anything?

so be it.