15 January 2010



For those who have noticed a change in what I've been posting lately
(if you exist), there is a reason behind it. I have decided to fully
commit myself to experiencing all that God has planned for me. I have
always been a spiritual person, but it's really only in the last
couple of years that I have decide to truly explore these things, and
now I find myself throwing everything I am into living a life more
devoted to God. I have received so many blessings, so much love and
guidance and supernatural intercession since making this decision that
it makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever to turn back. God is
real, He is in charge, and now, publically in the most open forum I
know, I make my stand and say, "Everything I have, everything I am,
everything I will be, is Yours God. Take me, break me, heal me, love
me. Open the floodgates of Heaven and rain Your glory on me. Fill me
to overflowing with Your Spirit. Amen."

Isaiah 64:1 "Oh that you would burst from the heavens and come down!
The mountains would quake at your presence!"

1 Corinthians 2:9 "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has
imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him."

Mark 5:36 "Don't be afraid. Just have faith."


Rob said...

Awesom choice Ryan. The Lord will continue to bless you for the decisions you are making

Beautiful poety as well my friend.


amy said...

This is transparent and vulnerable and I commend you for writing it. Thanks for challenging me to pursue Him even more.