22 October 2007

I'm in a bad mood

and it shows.

I'm tired of jack-assery. There is so much more that can be taken from life without someone (me included) playing the part of the fool. I'm tired of coming home and tripping over shoes. I know, it's such a menopausal thing to get pissed over, but for a guy with a bum leg, it can cause some consternation. Especially when there's acres of space in front of the closet. I'm also tired of political correctness. Sure, there's a big fancy name for everything now, but a bum is still a bum, they still beg for your change with a lit cigarette burning between the fingers of their outstretched hand.

I'm tired of the Oilers losing because the guys in suits make stupid decisions.

I'm tired of my beard. Go Red Sox.

I'm tired of being sick, and sick of being tired, and soooooo done with hurting it's not even funny. But apparently it's gonna be this way for the next thousand and some years, or until I get tired of living, so I guess I'll just have to deal with it. Frick.

I'm tired of being the one who has to think up fancy words. I have a minor in English Language Arts; that means I understand how to use the language to the fullest. That doesn't mean I always do.

I'm tired of 'friends' and 'family' that take and take and take and make a person feel like such downright garbage that they just want to find a gutter and lay there for a while.

I'm tired of not teaching. I want to teach. My goal is to have 1 person figure out this "Common Sense" thing before I die. So far, I'm batting .000 .

I'm tired of not being able to say what needs to be said. Hell yes I can write it, and I can make it sound like it's the Word of Heaven if I want to, but actually saying it.... not so much.

I'm tired of being single. But not too tired that I'm going to go out there and latch onto the first broad that crosses my path. I'll never be that tired.

I'm tired of writing.

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