05 June 2007

Randomizer - Engage!

I just realized I've been doing this for over 2 years now... I thought dudes were supposed to be afraid of commitment?


My little brother (little? well, he's wiry... and shorter than me... yeah, little) is into barefoot running now. Apparently it's gaining quite a following; supposed to improve technique, prevent injury, blah blah blah.... I've been going barefoot since I was knee-high to a short horse, and I could care about my running technique - it's all about comfort.

I hereby initiate a protest against socks! If you don't have to wear them, DON'T! (Christine, make sure the kids know! It's never too early to start!)


I've joined Facebook. Why? I dunno... well, I do know. I was sick for 2 weeks with some crappy mc-crapperson infection in my lungs and sinuses, so I got bored. But that's no excuse; it's not even a reason. Why am I saying this? Cuz it's random....


It's really really ridiculously hot in my apartment. 11th floor, middle of downtown, no ac, no blinds. Swell...


I'm still single. Have been for all but about a year of my life (combined total). Why? It's easier this way. Also, waaaayyy cheaper.... I'd like to get married, have kids, all that jazz, but I left home first, so I figure my brother should get married first. Which probably means I'll be single for quite some time yet.... (that's right, I went there!)


It got really dark really fast just now... it's definitely gonna rain. Hopefully a thunderstorm. I likes the thunder, and the lightning. So cool....


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