17 January 2006

Things to Note:

1) This blog is where I vent

2) My writing is what keeps me from taking a shotgun and cleaning house.

3) If you know/knew me in the "real world" (aka: outside of this blog), don't be surprised to see what you see here. I can only listen to so much crap without having to open the spill-gates to ease the pressure.

4) Sometimes, when you think "maybe it's me", it's not. But then again, sometimes it is.

5) Evaluate your sources.

6) Nice guys don't always finish last. Sometimes they don't even make it to the starting line.

7) In what language does "I'm busy, can't talk right now" mean "I really want to have a 3 hour conversation about nothing"?

8) Yes, I expect things from people. Get over it. I figure it's only fair, since I tend to become their listening post.

9) I have priorities. You may not be one of them. Deal with it.

10) Just because I'm single, doesn't mean I'm desperate. Quit hounding me.

11) If you have a question, ASK THE DAMN THING!!! Don't assume!!

12) It's not that hard to figure out if I find you interesting.

13) If you don't know, bloody well admit it! Don't pretend you do, cuz you just come off as an ass!

14) Keep It Simple, Stupid.

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