25 December 2009

A Quickening

The canvas of my mind explodes
Swirling shades, hues and tones
Co-mingling and covering this dreamscape
Choosing form and taking shape
At once familiar, yet strikingly new
And it turns, as if on cue,
My heartbeat quickens -
For it is You.

10 December 2009


Fortune smiled and showed the way
Fortune smiled and I said no thanks
Fortune smiled, but I turned away

The light turned on and I closed my eyes
The light was shone and I covered up
The light burned bright, I turned to night

I built myself up, you tore me back down
I ran far away, you were already there
I tried to hide, but you found me

I accepted your love then threw it away
I accepted your life then left it behind
I accepted your grace then spit in its face

08 December 2009



Help me right this heart
Bring me into your love
Take me in
Swirl me in the vortex of your love
Pull me
Twist me
Turn me upside down
In the vortex of your love

I'm falling outside again
I need to be brought back in
You suck me into the middle of
The vortex of your love

Bring me to the perfect center
Surround me
Shield me
Hold me
In the vortex of your love

Infrequent update time!

Snow Fort Blues

"Saw some kids building a fort out of snow
Tried givin'em props but they turned just turned up their nose
Now my pride is carrying a mighty big bruise
and I'm singin' these dang ol' snow fort blues!"

*Jam it out*

"It's bad enough that it's dang cold outside
but these snow fort blues are a blow to my pride.
Gotta ramp up my game, step up the pace,
So I can rub my fort in those rotten kids' face!"

*Take it home*

written for Mike, who got sassed by some kids building a snow fort.