everyone needs to re-focus, re-center themselves from time to time in the 'real world' (rw). what continually surprises me is that people naively believe that since this is the 'virtual world'(vw), rw rules don't apply.
so that means we don't need to take a break? we are to put our daily lives on hold to feed the gaping maw and voracious appetite of the collective insanity?
the vw is a by-product of the rw. always has been. always will be. it's just now, with the added and continual (and mind-boggling speed of) advent of technology, we are able to share a visualization of our personal delerium. put your mind in the 19th century. do you know what they'd do to someone like us if they could see into our minds like we allow today? they'd knock holes in your forehead and temples, or shove a wire up your nose and lobotomize you. you'd be catatonic, but cured.
and that's just it. it
is weird. but that's okay. weird is the norm in the vw. but it's not the norm in the rw.... at least it's not
accepted as the norm in the rw. so why should the norm in the vw be held to the same rules as that of the rw?
not good enough. we use computers as tools of expression. they are a means to an end. they are tireless machines built by walking meat-bags to accomplish what they cannot because they need sleep, whereas a simple machine goes until it is shut down or outdated.
(what are you trying to say?)
I don't really know. I'm tired, quite sore, restless and uncreative. It's not up to me to analyze, only to write. Draw your own conclusions; I'm going to bed.