29 May 2006

The Stats:

Whyte Avenue by numbers for Saturday night:

25,000 - 30,000: fans on Whyte Avenue

1,500: dollars to replace one average commercial window

15: people arrested

9: fires set with garbage, pallets, etc.

5: people (at least) crowding onto an awning above Chapters

3: large-pane windows smashed at Chapters

2: phone booths uprooted and destroyed

2: lights ripped apart atop a 30-foot tall light standard

2: people jumping from rooftops onto boulevard trees

1: storefront window obliterated at Burlington Tobacconist

1: side window smashed at Chicken Scratch

1: man who urinated in crowd

1: man who fell from a guy wire

1: woman who broke her ankle

1: person charged with a Criminal Code offence



25 May 2006

Fighting tips

One thing to remember is that there is no such thing as a fair fight. Someone always has an advantage. He/She could be stronger, faster, bigger, taller... whatever. What I'm gonna do is give you some tips to make sure you don't get yourself knocked out.

#1: What to do if the other guy's taller

This is pretty easy. If he's taller, he very likely has the reach advantage (he can hit you, but you can't reach him). How do you counter-act this? Two ways:

a) Get inside. Wait for him to throw a punch, then step inside and hammer away. I know this works, because I have long spider-arms that don't work too well when they're bunched in close to my body.

b) Use your legs. They're longer than your arms. This is slightly-less than honorable, because you look like a huge pussy when he's throwing punches and you kick him in the shins or the man-bits. I prefer option a; but hey, if you're a big pussy, go for b, and call it a night.

#2: What to do if he's stronger/bigger

Not as easy. He's stronger than you, so stay away from him. Big guys like to get the fight over with quickly, because they're carrying a lot of weight in all that muscle. Keep him moving, and hit him with body shots. Body shots will eventually wear him down faster than hitting him in the face will (no matter how satisfying that is). Get him where he lives, and he'll go down. Also, most dudes who pack on the muscle don't typically train for endurance, so the more he moves, the more tired he gets. When he's fatigued, those punches don't have as much mustard on them, so they hurt less and are less accurate. If he rushes you (this depends on timing), step aside, but drag your foot. He'll trip over it. Then he has to pick himself up off the floor. Also a good technique for fatiguing the tank.

#3: What to do if he's faster

Hope you can take a hit. The majority of the time, speed doesn't equal power. So if the dude is firing off rabbit-punches, suck it up, block the ones you can, and get in close. Speed needs room to work. Crowd him, and if you can catch one of his arms, you can control him. Put an arm-bar on, or ground-and-pound him.

#4: He's a pussy, and has a bunch of friends with him.

Let him start the fight. Once he throws the first punch, stagger back into the crowd. They'll likely push you back where you came from, but now you have more room in which to work. Also, the bouncers will likely have noticed, and have started making their way over to see what the ruckus is about. Once the pussies get involved, if the bouncer is any good, he'll be on your side, because hey, all he knows is that you got jumped by a bunch of guys. He should give you a hand with kicking their asses; the only downside is that you might get kicked out with the wuss-patrol.

Random/Miscellaneous Tips:

Use your head. Don't stop thinking, just because you're in a fight. If you see that there's something on the ground that can trip him (ie: barstool), try to maneouver around so that he'll trip over it. No sense expending energy trying to knock him down, when an inanimate object will do the job for you. Work smarter, not harder.

-If you can hit him in the solar plexus (right below the sternum), you're almost guaranteed that he'll double over, because you just knocked the wind outta him. While he's staggered and recovering, put your hands behind his head and push down, while at the same time, lifting your knee into his face. If that doesn't put him down for the count... I give up.

-If you get him turned for a second, try to hit him behind the ear. Most of the time, it's like hitting the power button - off go the lights.

-Don't be afraid to hit him with things other than your fists. Open-palm hits are just as effective, as is using the edge of your hand. Slamming your forearm or elbow into his face is a pretty good way of ending a fight in a hurry, and who doesn't like a good ol' fashioned headbutt?

Some people might say that this is fighting dirty. This isn't a duel. There is no honour at stake here. This is just two guys who want to pound the buh-jeezus outta each other. Sparring, boxing, martial arts, arena fights... they all have rules. But when you're walking down the street and some jackass tries to mug you, there are no rules. It's either you or him; which would you prefer?

Gotta go spar now. I'm out!


#1: These guys rock

#2: "Homeboy go home!"

24 May 2006

I'm bored

Waiting for today and tomorrow to end so I can write my final on Friday and BE DONE!!!

I was at Save-on-Foods on 109th today, picking up some lunch, and there were 2 EPS cars and 4 officers there. Were they shopping? No.... apparently it takes 4 Edmonton Police officers to arrest, detain and question a shop-lifter. Why? Where were they when that guy got beaten to death on a bus, not too long ago?

Anyway, I'm here, eating my healthy choice for today, and it made me wonder: why do people eat at set times of the day? Who says I have to wait for 12:00 to eat lunch, or 6:00 to eat supper? Now, obviously this doesn't affect me too much, because it's what....3:47pm and I'm eating supper. This will be followed by copious amounts of nachos, etc, at around 8:00 tonight, because it's Wing Night.

I just realized that my salad came with chicken, and I've been neglecting it. Whoops.

Back to the pondering... When I was in Mexico (Los Cabos, 2002), I was with a group of about 30 people (+/-). We ate at the most ridiculous times. I remember one night we didn't eat supper till about 10:00. That sort of pissed me off; but what really pissed me off is that they wouldn't let me stop and get a snack while we were waiting. "No, we'll wait for everyone to show, and then we'll go to this great restaurant I know of and have a fantastic meal." F that. There were ants all over the place, and my sammich was stupidly small. Next time I go, it's gonna be either alone or with my wife (whoever/where ever she is). Someone who understands that when RyeGuy gets hungry, they'd better let him eat, or he'll make life hell.

Wow, a food post. Random.

23 May 2006

Long Weekend

So I went camping this past weekend with a bunch of friends. We went to Kootenay Plains, by the Columbia Icefields. Pretty sweet place. Left Saturday morning, because Friday night I went to a soccer match at Commonwealth Stadium. Canada vs. Brazil. Canada won, 2-1. That was a sweet game.

Anyways, so we got to the site at about 2 or 3 ish, unpacked and set off to have some fun. Which we did, in copious amounts. Sunday consisted of hiking up to Siffleur (Stiffler) Falls and setting up a zip line across the gorge. Those who went across said it was pretty decent. I didn't go (I have issues with heights), but I played in bush (no dirty thoughts now...) and had a blast. We lost one the girls somewhere on the mountain, so three of us set off to find her. Turns out she was hiding in a crack in the rock, and just wanted some time alone. So we left her there, and went back to camp. I sunburnt my head that day.

We got back to camp, cooked(?) up some food(?), rested up a bit, then I went with a couple other dudes, climbed up the cliff behind our site and hiked to a frozen waterfall, about a mile (+/-) west of camp. We passed through a field with a bunch of Sundance lodges. Everytime I do something like that, I always get one of two feelings: I'm not supposed to be there; or something wants to communicate with me. The feeling I got on Sunday was the latter, so I lagged behind and tried to open myself up to whatever energies were there, but nothing came. So then I had to run to catch up to the other guys. We then had to climb 1/2 way up the mountain to get to the waterfall, and Holy Moses was it ever steep. Turns out the North (right) fork in the path was the easy way. We went South (left), and had a doozy of time getting to the fall. But we got there, and I decided I wanted to climb up to the top. So I did. That got pretty hairy at a few points, but I got as high as I could, and wow... the view was.... yeah... I kinda wish I had a camera, but I'm also kinda happy I didn't, because I have that memory all to myself.

Monday was a pretty lazy day. We played some soccer, some Ultimate Frisbee...that was pretty much it. Left at noon-ish, cuz one of the girls had to work @ 4:30... yeah, we didn't make it. I blame the checkstop that nailed us, that and the endless convoys of people and their friggin' houses on wheels. I was getting extremely frustrated with them. "Hey guys, lets all do 90 during the double-stripes, then bump it up to 120 through the passing lanes!" MF! (Major Frustration... I'm trying to cut down on my cussin'. I'm a teacher now...) But yeah, she was only 15 minutes late (+/-), so it wasn't too bad. Then I realized I had homework due today... so I got up early to do it, cuz we watched Jarhead and Tristan and Isolde last night. I wasn't sure I would like Jarhead, but it was a lot better than I thought. Tristan and Isolde could've used more hacky-slashy and less wuvvy-duvvy. James Franco really wrecks some people in that flick; Boris the Blade shoulda had Spiderman on his side.

For some reason, whenever I go camping, I'm up at first light (which is actually before sunrise), and yet I always feel refreshed, even though I sleep 1/2 as much. Weird. Anyways, it was a good weekend. Only 2 more days of class, then a final to write, then it's time to find a real job. (shudder). Game 3 tonight, Whyte Ave's gonna be ca-RAZY. I think I'll stay in this time. So close to the end, don't wanna get shived now.

I'm out!

18 May 2006

I took this from my buddy Dave's blog...


Brandon walks down into the basement to take his newly bought Super Sex Suck Vac 3000 to his room. He is quickly stopped in place with the realisation that there is a 15 foot tall demon hunched over the couch watching t.v.
Brandon: Dave....Dave...DAVE!!!!!!

Dave: What?

Dave and Bob come down stairs and Kevchu opens his door and all are now standing in the basement staring at the demon.

Brandon: What is a demon doing in the house

Dave: There's no rule against it

Brandon: Dave, you did this?

Dave: No, just sayin'...

Brandon: So when did it get here? Kevchu, didn't you notice it when you came in?

Kevchu: I was a .....you know distracted.....

-A women stumbles wobbly legged out of kevchu's room, hits her head against the wall and goes unconcious. Everyone looks, then back to the demon.-

Dave: Let's ask the demon.....why you here?

Demon: I am Lord Jeffcoltus, son of Petrificus, and you summoned me.

Dave: I summoned you?

Demon: Well, not you in particular.

Dave: So the world summoned you?

Demon: No, you four.

Dave: I blame Bob.

Bob: Nope.

Demon: There is no way you could have summoned by accident. It would take 3 very incredible acts to summon me.

Dave: What are they?

Demon: Firstly you must steal success from an entire town

-All four look at the Success roadsign in the corner.-

Demon: Then three grown men and an ape must be brought to Climax at the same time.

Bob: Ahhhhh, that roadtrip to pick up Jeff in Climax, SK.

Demon: Thirdly, someone must be intimate with a goat.

-Looks of confusion, then everyone turns towards Kevchu, as a goat walks out of his room.-

Kevchu: It was her idea....I swear!

Bob: Demon, can you make spaghetti?

Demon: No.

Bob: Well, what good are you?

14 May 2006

There is always another option

There is always another option.

Sometimes it seems as though it's the wrong choice, because the road it leads you down is twisted and mangled with a multitude of obstacles.

But who said that life was supposed to be easy?

The great thing about having family and friends is that you surround yourself with people whom you trust to give you honest answers and/or opinions. You get to look at situations from a multitude of perspectives. An example of this is a diamond cutter. He doesn't just take a quick glance and start chipping away. He surveys the entire rock, looking for natural breaks and seams that allow for the best possible course of action, that being the greatest gain with a minimum of loss. Note how there is a "minimum" of loss... that doesn't mean there isn't any. There are always some pieces of the diamond that cannot be included without ruining the entire gem. But by looking from a bunch of different angles, the cutter minimizes loss, and the end result is a precious gem of intense value. And sometimes the pieces left behind can be extracted after the initial cutting is complete, each adding extra value to the set.

What's your diamond? What are your options?

10 May 2006

Band: Opeth; Song: Harvest

Stay with me a while
Rise above the vile
Name my final rest
Poured into my chest

Into the orchard i walk peering way past the gate
Wilted scenes for us who couldn't wait
Drained by the coldest caress, stalking shadows ahead
Halo of death, all i see is departure
Mourner's lament but it's me who's the martyr

Pledge yourself to me
Never leave me be
Sweat breaks on my brow
Given time ends now

Into the orchard i walk peering way past the gate
Wilted scenes for us who couldn't wait
Drained by the coldest caress, stalking shadows ahead
Halo of death, all i see is departure
Mourner's lament but it's me who's the martyr

Spirit painted sin
Embers neath my skin
Veiled in pale embrace
Reached and touched my face

Into the orchard i walk peering way past the gate
Wilted scenes for us who couldn't wait
Drained by the coldest caress, stalking shadows ahead
Halo of death, all i see is departure
Mourner's lament but it's me who's the martyr.