30 May 2010

You Are Here

Let the fires of heaven burn in this place
See the spirit of God touching each face
Oh God, you are here....

Let the fires of heaven burn in this place
Kindling our passion, fueling our faith
Oh God, you are here...

Let the fires of heaven burn in this place
Sing the song of redemption that sprung from the grave
Oh God, you are here...

Let the fires of heaven burn in this place
Sing glory and honour, lifting a song praise
Oh God, you are here...

Let the fires of heaven burst from this place
Igniting lives in Jesus' name
Oh God, you are here....

24 May 2010

Losing Control

Holding on isn't a problem
It's letting go that's hard
Losing my grip on my self,
On my heart,
Is easier to preach
Than to do

It's time to let go
Of routine and control
Let the reins fall from my hands
Let's see where we land

Now I'm losing control of my heart
And it's crazy and scary and finally free
And I can't stop it...
Not that I want to

12 May 2010

Love Metaphors (pt II)

Love Metaphors (pt II)

I read once that love is a rushing wind
That carries one off to new and exciting places
Where adventures await and so does
Happily Ever After.
Well, you know what else comes with a rushing wind?
A tornado. And it leaves a swath of wreckage
Through cornfields and trailer parks
And lifts young girls to fantasy places
Where lions talk and tin men walk.
But then they click their heels
And find themselves at home,
Wondering if maybe it would've been better
To have just stayed in Oz.

**some people have asked why my view on Love seems so cynical. It's
not. This series of posts is just a commentary on metaphors used to
describe Love, and not Love itself. I actually hold a very Romantic
view on Love, which I reckon one can see through any other posts on
the subject.**

10 May 2010

Love Metaphors (pt I)

Love Metaphors (pt I)

I've heard it said that
Love is an ocean
Vast and deep and worth exploring
And it's true,
Love is an ocean worth sailing upon
But don't forget the temperamental side
That tosses and roils and smashes in on itself
From seemingly nowhere, without reason
Be smart with your cargo
And batten your hatches
Or it might all get swept overboard
And you along with it