26 April 2010


To say my heart has scars
Is only partly true.
While yes, there are old wounds
That have healed over
And sealed shut,
There are others
That are merely scabbed over
That bleed anew with the
Slightest of jarring.
So yes, I have scars.
But it's the scabs that
Cause me worry.

20 April 2010

An Outstretched Hand

An Outstretched Hand

Freely given
Rarely received
Love awaits like an outstretched hand
Floating in the air
Ready to be held
Forever by your own

16 April 2010

Choose joy

Choose joy

I'm finding it difficult to choose joy today
Instead I'm focusing on the black inside
I'm feeling the weight of my world-weary Self
Pressing down on the shoulders of my spirit
I love to bring joy to people's lives
But today,
I need someone to bring joy into mine
Because even though I know it's already there
I'm struggling to embrace it

09 April 2010

such love, so true

my eyes weep with joy
knowing you sent your boy
to cover death's due -
such love, so true

my spirit smiles to know you call me "son"
my soul sings to hear you call me "friend"
my heart is filled with your love
such love, so true