18 April 2009

Syncopated Abandon

Taut, rough
skins beneath my fingers
slapping opens and rims
with syncopated abandon
Lifting, lilting
driving the force of emotion
through air, time, hearts and stone walls
shivering timbers and shaking foundations
expressing love and pain with equal measure
throwing joy and sadness into kinship
One moment the softest of beds
next the coldest of steel
Driving for one purpose
To share how I feel

15 April 2009

Scratch Pad Musing

Futility attaches itself to those who refuse to bend when the winds of change blow in their face.

10 April 2009

Now I Know (pt III)

It was lust and pride,
not love, inside,
always headed
for failure, and it
hit it in full stride.

08 April 2009

Now I Know (pt II)

A catalyst for growth and pain
A needed element for a season of change
Doomed from the start by a misleading heart
Needing to be broken to be faced with itself

06 April 2009

Now I Know (pt I)

Time heals all.
But what then,
if Time stalls?

I tell myself to move on
and my mind stretches to replace you
but my heart isn't in it.

03 April 2009

Fighting Awake

Thoughts of past choices and actions
bring full consequence to bear
the loss of potentials
failed opportunities

Now I fight myself awake
Away from dreams of things that will never be
a future that will never exist