29 August 2005

Days go by...

Cruising along
with no purpose in mind
floating on the wind
just riding the tides

is this truly life
or just avoidance of death?
Have I truly lived?
I don't know yet.

But my gut, it says no,
and my heart yearns for more
there's a lot left to do,
there's forever to live for.

I'll number my days
and live as full as I can
and at the end of my time
they'll say

He seized his days
He lived his life
and died a happy man.

Carpe the diems, kids. There are only so many left.

25 August 2005

Spam: good for shoe repair, not comment boxes.

so, in light of the creepy and annoying spam-ments that have become the scourge of Bloggerdom, I've decided to initiate the "word-verification" option. sorry if it causes y'all a bunch of grief, but I'm sure you'll get over it.

23 August 2005

virtual tears

A burning inferno
of rage is building
up inside of me

Slowly taking over
my soul, my mind,
red is all I see

My heart is broken,
love-shattered glass,
crushed into dust

And all I can do
is wonder "what did I do?"
and stare, cold and numb.

Everything in me cries out
that it's all just a dream,
there's no need to scream

I'll awaken soon
to the light of the moon
and all will be fine.

But I know that's not true.
Lord knows,
I need you.

17 August 2005

Escape? *sigh* No, it's just a day-pass....

As I stumble into obscurity
I find myself with startling clarity
Thinking about my future and what's to come
and musing about where I've come from.
Remembering those who have shared my past
and the friendships I once thought would last, have lapsed.
And asking myself
who it will be
that will walk beside me
into the shroud and fog
besides God.

"It is not good for man to be alone"

06 August 2005

Melancholy memories I never had....

60 years ago today, Hiroshima bore the brunt of US anger and engineering when "Little Boy", the first atomic bomb, was dropped on it. I don't want to start some argument with the 3 or 4 people who read this, but....

was it really necessary?


follow the link above, and read about the reasoning, impact, and effects the bombs had on Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the environment. there's even a link where you can debate the legitimacy of the bombings.

Never Forget.

02 August 2005


Too much
Too fast
Too soon
Too bad
Too busy
Too tired
Too depressed and
Too sad

To do this
To do that
To take time
To be glad
To smell flowers
To watch waves
To slow down
To relax